Monday, September 30, 2019

“Of Mice and Men” †John Steinbeck Essay

In Chapter 4 of â€Å"Of Mice and Men,† John Steinbeck portrays Crooks, Lennie, Candy, and Curley’s wife as outcasts who although are lonely and seek each others companionship, ostracize each other nevertheless. Each of said characters seek companionship, are outcasts, and as a result abase one another. Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie are lonely and therefore seek companionship. Crooks is a very lonely character, and may in fact be the most diverse due to both his handicap and race. When he gets company, he tries to conceal his pleasure with anger; he does not welcome others into his abode because they discriminate against him (his impediment is therefore seen as a spiteful retaliation), but at the same time he is delighted to have company. When Crooks sees Lennie standing at the doorway smiling at him, Crooks gives in and allows him to stay, telling him â€Å"you can come if ya want.† Lennie is also lonely, for he is drawn to Crooks’ stable when he sees the light on; when he approached Crooks, he â€Å"smiled helplessly in an attempt to make friends.† Candy later comes in to the stable, as Crooks allows him to come in; he is modest about Crooks’s welcome, saying â€Å"of course if you want me to.† Candy is a passive man virtually unable to take any independent action and his one major act in the book, offering Lennie and George money in order to go in on a piece of land together, is a means by which he can become dependent on them; this is a result of his impeding loneliness. Lastly, Curley’s wife enters the stable. Her presence is almost nomadic; she wonders around the whole ranch, seeking company and then parting. Generally considered to be a tramp by the men at the ranch, Curley’s Wife is the only major character in Of Mice and Men whom Steinbeck does not give a name. She dislikes her husband and feels desperately lonely at the ranch, for she is the only woman and feels isolated from the other men, who openly scorn her. She still holds some small hope of a better life, claiming that she had the chance to become a movie star in Hollywood, but otherwise is a bitter and scornful woman who shamelessly uses sex to intimidate the workers. When she enters the stable, she pretends as if she is looking for Curley, but she really just wants company. Each of the aforementioned characters seek each others companionship and company to keep from getting lonely. Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie are also scrutinized as outcasts in the society in which they live, due to their defects – Crooks being a black cripple, Candy an old handicapped man, Curley’s wife being female, and Lennie whom is afflicted with mental retardation. Their reclusive stature is justified in the names in which they call themselves; Crooks calls himself â€Å"black† and a â€Å"busted back nigger.† Candy is called a â€Å"busted sheep,† Lennie a â€Å"dum dum,† and Curley’s wife a â€Å"tart.† Furthermore, Steinbeck does not give Curley’s wife a name; this illustrates that women in the concurrent era were looked down upon. Crooks, Curley’s wife, Candy, and Lennie are further exemplified as outcasts by the fact that Slim, George, and Whit left them behind. Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie are â€Å"exiled† from society and left to be alone. With the pain, loneliness, and fear which they feel, Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie degrade each other. They call each other names, and Curley’s wife adds to these statements by saying â€Å"they [George, Slim, and Whit] left the weak ones behind.† Candy calls her a â€Å"bitch† and reminds her that they at least have friends. Candy and Crooks even indicate that they want her to leave, that they have â€Å"had enough.† Crooks, Lennie, Candy, and Curley’s wife are portrayed as outcasts who although are lonely and seek each others companionship, they ostracize each other nevertheless because of the over bearing society in which they live. They demean and mortify one another to make themselves feel better – to attain a private victory that the other is more of an outcast than the former. They would rather have bitter company as to no company.

Why is it important to develop relationships in infant and toddler care?

During their first years of life it is crucial that infants develop confidence, self-esteem and a feeling of security and trust in the people who care for them. These factors give them a secure base for all of their subsequent social and emotional development. Babies who develop this â€Å"emotional security† are then more likely to become toddlers who have the confidence to â€Å"walk alone. † Alicia Lieberman discusses this concept of â€Å"walking alone† in her book, The Emotional Life of the Toddler.In order to become independent learners, confident to explore the world around them and try new things, toddlers must first of all develop a sense of trust. This sense of trust builds when the infant has developed secure attachments with caregivers, and feels reassured, valued, respected and truly cared for. Obviously a child whose emotional needs are not being met through the development of secure and positive relationships with caregivers, will focus more on get ting those needs met than on exploring and learning.Research on what helps children be successful at school, carried out by Heart Start through the â€Å"Zero to Three† organization, emphasises the need for children to be curious in order to learn. The research identified seven characteristics of successful learners, and among them, curiosity. Infants and toddlers have a natural, healthy curiosity, a trait that should be encouraged in a safe way by their caregivers, as it is vital for their confidence, self-esteem and learning. Those children who do not develop secure attachments to their caregivers will be less likely to show this lively curiosity in their world.Helen Raikes has described in her 1996 article, A Secure Base for Babies: Applying Attachment Theory Concepts to the Infant Care Setting, how babies that had developed secure attachments were more likely to explore their surroundings, join in with play and interact with the adults in the setting. These infants know t hat they can look back and â€Å"return to base† if need be. It was the British psychiatrist, John Bowlby who identified four stages of attachment of the child to the mother or the primary caregiver.He noted that during the third stage, (between the approximate ages of 7 and 24 months), infants often develop a strong attachment to the primary caregiver and may develop â€Å"separation anxiety† if that caregiver is replaced by someone else. Continuity of the caregiver, the development of a consistent, caring relationship with one person, is therefore very important for infants at this stage, as they may experience much trauma if a change of caregiver takes place at this time. However, the first characteristic of successful children, identified by the Heart Start research, was that of confidence.Children’s feelings of competence and confidence develop as a result of secure, positive relationships with their caregivers. Also, the confidence that comes from having a clear sense of their own identity means that children are more likely to develop empathy and respect for others and feel relaxed and secure in the company of other adults. Confident children who can interact successfully with their peer group will more easily develop the social skills needed for their future success. Of course, co-operative interaction with others, either children or adults, will help further their learning too.But perhaps the most pressing need for the development of relationships in infant and toddler care arises through consideration of those children who come from an unstable home environment, where their emotional needs have not been met by their parents. The social and emotional growth of these children will be furthered hindered and delayed if they are then not given any opportunity to develop a continuous, positive relationship with a primary caregiver, assigned from the time of the child’s enrolment up until he or she reaches the age of three or eve n five.How can primary and continuous care be implemented in order to develop a relationship with a child? It is the responsibility of the primary caregiver to respond appropriately to the infant or toddler to ensure that their emotional needs are met. An â€Å"appropriate† response is one that makes the child feel respected, valued and cared for. Just as all relationships take time to develop, so must primary caregivers take time to really get to know the children, become aware of their personality and temperament, their likes and dislikes and body language cues.This is the first and foremost response that will help to build a relationship and ensure children’s emotional needs are met. In order to get to know children, it is important to become sensitive to the cues and messages they send out – both verbal and non-verbal. In turn, caregivers should be vigilant about their own body language cues as well as the words they use because when children become aware of negative feedback, (both verbal and non-verbal), from their caregivers it can greatly affect their self-esteem.The caregiver should aim to give positive responses to the child, using open and friendly body language, eye contact, smiles, nodding etc. Of course, this does not mean that the caregiver must always say â€Å"yes† to a child’s demands, if those demands are unreasonable or unsafe, and assertive behavior management strategies should be applied whenever they are necessary. Along with ensuring the quality of responses and care given by the primary caregiver, continuity of care can be implemented in three ways: †¢ Children can be placed in mixed age groups. This means that the children under 2.9 years of age can be cared for in the same room, as long as the requirement ratio is adhered to for the youngest child in the group. †¢ Children can be placed in groups of the same age. This ensures that when the children are ready, they and their caregivers will move to the next environment. †¢ Children can be placed in groups of the same age, and will stay in the same room. This means that the children remain in a setting that is familiar to them, while the learning materials and resources of the room change in accordance with their developmental progress.However, the concept of primary and continuous care must take into account the fact that a major amount of the childcare day is spent doing routine care giving activities, such as toileting, hand washing, eating, etc. Since these routine activities take up so much time, the development of a relationship with the child must be prioritised during these times. In their book, The Creative Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers, Dombro, Colker and Trister-Dodge emphasise that this job of building a relationship with a child should be the focus of the caregiver’s work.Although learning activities should be included as part of a quality curriculum for a child, in practice they only for m a small part of the child’s day – the majority of that day being spent doing routine activities. Therefore the â€Å"curriculum† for a child does not only consist of learning activities. If relationship building is to be given the emphasis it deserves then the daily routines need to be considered as â€Å"curriculum† too, since the majority of daily adult-child interaction takes place during these daily routines.Routine activities can be made enjoyable and fun with lots of opportunities for learning built in; the caregiver can interact with the child in a friendly and positive way during these times, showing the child that s/he is valued and respected. If caregivers are aware of the importance of building positive relationships with the children in their care then they will have no doubts whatsoever that they must work in accordance with the maxim, â€Å"relationship is curriculum†. References Dombro, A.L. , Colker, L. J. & Trister-Dodge, D. (199 9). The Creative Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers. Washington DC: Teaching Strategies. Lieberman, A. (1993). The Emotional Life of the Toddler. New York: Free Press. Raikes, H. (1996) â€Å"A Secure Base for Babies: Applying Attachment Theory Concepts to the Infant Care Setting,† in Young Children, 51 (5), 59-67. Zero to Three (1992). Heart start: The emotional foundations of school readiness. Washington DC: Zero to Three. http://www. zerotothree. org

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hitler, the Demise of a Demigod

Hitler, the Demise of a Demigod The will of a single man was powerful enough to alter the course of the world; that Is the story of Doll Hitler. Hitler inspired his people to hope for the betterment yet he himself fell into more and more despair the passage of time. As the First World War left Germany not only devastated but also humiliated, a failure of a painter who also happened to fight in the front lines, felt infuriated and betrayed by the surrender, took it upon himself to set things right. He proved himself to be quite an artist, may be not so much on the canvas as with words.Eloquence being his forte, he climbed up the social ladder rather quickly in the midst of all his struggles. With Doll Hitler becoming more and more synonymous to the Nazi Germany, he led his people to an unprecedented era of prosperity but that came at a price, by straining a certain portion of the population, the Jews. In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria into Germany without firing a single shot; he was the man of the year not for nothing. It Is an Irony how Nazism or National Socialism recognized both capitalism and communism as evil but ended up Itself falling from grace.Along with nationalism and racialism, ideas such as irredentism and expansionism dominated the Nazi ideology. Hitler understood the importance of exploitation colonialism. Thus for Germany he wanted Russia to be what colonial India was to the British Empire. His previous victories against the allies intoxicated his mind, dulled his reasoning. He was slowly but surely losing touch with reality. His decisions were raising the stakes higher and higher. It is to be noted that he did not just believe in racial superiority, he intended to prove it as he tried to do so In the 1936 summer Olympics. Nan Germany's' Justifying of socialDarwinism, survival of the fittest in all life that is struggle made certain factions to go wary of their leader. One thing led to another and there were even attempts of assassination. It was n ot Just a war between the allies and the axis; it was a war between the Ideology of a single man and rest of the world. Pride Goethe before a fall. But even so 50 million to over 75 million fatalities has shown us what man is capable of. After all, God did create man In his own Image. Rather than being pessimistic, It shows capability of both great good as well as evil. Humanity can still be saved, all hope Is yet not lost.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Group and team dynamics personal experience Essay

Group and team dynamics personal experience - Essay Example It came to my attention that for the teams within the organization to perform effectively, it was imperative that the organization had to comprehend the concept of teams, their working, the advantages and disadvantages of employees working in teams. My responsibility as a corpsman required that at times I had to work and coordinate my services by networking with various battalions. The duties and responsibilities I was tasked with required cross battalion coordination to ensure that the goals were attained. Working with various teams required appropriate leadership and team management skills for the organizational resources to be exploited adequately. As a leader of a team, I was increasingly dependent on the cross battalion teams for knowledge, expertise and skills to ensure that the goals of the organization were achieved. The teams I worked with from various battalions were differentiated through geographic boundaries and the diverse cultural backgrounds of the employees. Nonethel ess, the organization managers within the battalions necessitated integration mechanisms, which ensured that the differences among the employees were understood and coordinated well. As a result, the teams we worked with were well-structured to realize long-term goals and objectives of the Marine and Naval operations. My personal experience in group and team dynamics during my career experience is discussed and evaluated critically with an emphasis on my current employment position. Section I: Workplace Experience In my career path, I have had an exemplary experience working with and leading approximately 1300 Marines in delivering medical care and services. My responsibilities and duties were inclined towards leading a team of five junior Corpsmen and Medics to ensure that medical care was delivered to the employees within the camps as scheduled and required by the organization. The team was tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that all immunizations within the camp were up t o date. This was important as it was a prerequisite for the Marines to be deployed or combat ready. Failure to update all immunizations would hamper the activities of the camp severely because Marines would not be combat ready. Personally I was tasked with the responsibility of writing annual and biannual evaluation reports for the team I was in charge of, which consisted of five junior Corpsmen. As a leader, I had an obligation to lead and motivate my team members and other employees within the camps. In addition, my responsibilities called for collective coordination and exchange of ideas through which I had to keep in touch with the senior Marines, the platoon Sergeants. It was essential to work with the senior Marines during the coordination of all junior Marines into the Battalion aid station to update their immunization. Accomplishing such responsibilities effectively demanded for elements of leadership in me because at times the schedules of various Marines did not coincide, and this implied that the Battalion would be out of immunization. As a leader, I had the responsibility of visiting other employees in different battalion aid stations to plan and harmonize the schedules for immunization. I worked in the Navy for eight years of which I had the opportunity to lead

Pick an environmental issue and analyse that issue from within the Research Paper

Pick an environmental issue and analyse that issue from within the framework of at least two of the discourses of environmental - Research Paper Example ound environmental governance. Given the threats of environmental degradation and their potential risks to the survival of mankind, the need for sound governance of the environment is urgent. Cole and Foster reported that â€Å"many observers point to protests by African Americans against a toxic dump in Warren Country, North Carolina, in 1982, as the beginning of the movement.†6 By the word â€Å"movement,† Cole and Foster were referring to the Environmental Justice Movement. Most likely the report is inaccurate because peoples all of the world probably have their own respective histories of struggles for environment justice. Most important, peoples all over the world have their own respective movements for a green economy and society. For example, several authors have been claiming that indigenous peoples have visions of societies that are one with nature, societies that are environment-friendly, societies that are green. Environmental racism, of course, is a valid co ncern. Cole and Foster have an ample discussion on this point.7 For example, one of the Cole and Foster’s most important discussions on environmental racism revolved on the experience of Chester residents along Delaware River in Philadelphia. In the Cole and Foster narrative, â€Å"Chester is a small enclave of people of color within the predominantly white Delaware County.† 8 According to Cole and Foster, the â€Å"toxic assault† on the people of color of Chester began in the late 1980s in which â€Å"hundreds of truckloads of trash† were being brought to Chester every day.9 In many parts of the world today, a similar situation has been happening. Yet, the victims have been irrespective of color. The common denominator on why many people are living close or within the garbage dumps is that they are poor rather than the color of their skin. Thus, following the Cole and Foster logic and analysis, the participation of people irrespective of their economic s tatus in life in environmental governance is a crucial element towards the realization of Environmental Justice. II. Green Economy It should be emphasized that the assaults that the Cole and Foster struggles have occurred because governance has not been green in the first place. If governance has been green, the issue of environmental justice may not have existed in the first place. Thus, the title of the book Van Jones (with Ariane Conrad) had been appropriately titled, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems. If an economy is green then there will be no environmental injustice in the first place. There would be no one from which to exact environmental retribution or justice

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organizational Behavior 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational Behavior 2 - Essay Example offering competitive salary, free lodging, free food, etc.), it will be easier on the part of the HR manager to satisfy the higher needs of each employee. Unlike the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, expectancy theories are not focused on satisfying the individual needs of each employee. Depending on the kind of rewards employees could receive from a business organization, the theory of expectancy suggests that employees will be motivated given that their efforts at work could contribute to the business success (Denhardt, Denhardt, & Aristigueta, 2002, p. 162). Similar to expectancy theories, the use of goal-setting theories also requires the HR managers to pay back employees’ efforts through attractive rewards (Denhardt, Denhardt, & Aristigueta, 2002, p. 165). In general, the main purpose of goal-setting theories is to increase the work expectations of each employee. Since a higher goal setting increases employees’ work motivation, the overall productivity of each employee is also expected to increase. The equity theories are based on â€Å"social exchange† (Denhardt, Denhardt, & Aristigueta, 2002, p. 165). Given that each employee is happy in their work environment (i.e. no conflict with other employees, fair working policies, etc.), there is a higher chance wherein employees will exert an effort to convert the organizational goals into a reality. When we talk about fair working policies, it means that the contribution of each employee to the success of the company should mean higher rewards as compared to the rest of employees. To be able to motivate employees, I assume that a realistic and fair monetary reward is necessary to satisfy the basic needs of each employee. Basically, when the financial needs of a person is not met, that person would either look for another job that offers higher salary or search for another part-time job. It means that the person becomes less loyal to his/her first

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Peace Treaties and Blame for the War__WWI Term Paper

Peace Treaties and Blame for the War__WWI - Term Paper Example try with biggest responsibility over the war was attributable to the belief by other allies that Germany was responsible for the war.3 Countries that participated in the war were exhausted and their economies destroyed. Almost every family was a casualty of the war. In particular, French land was completely in a mess and Germany was held responsible for the damage. France wanted revenge over Germany and wanted her to be punished and crippled for causing her destruction. This was meant to teach Germany a lesson to deter her from instigating another war. With tremendous growth in the Europe in the 20th century, there were tension that this kind of growth could lead to emergence of war to maintain the levels of trade and technologies. The increase of social unrest and political struggle characterized the tension. Before the 1870s, Germany was made up of several minute kingdoms instead of one united nation. In the 1860s the kingdom of Prussia instigated a series of conflicts aimed at uniting German kingdoms. In 1870s, the North German Confederation entered into conflict with France and Bismarck. This led to the Franco-Prussian war that forced German rout the French. In early 1871, the country was united and the treaty of Frankfurt ended the war. Although Germany wanted to unit its kingdoms and become one nation, the events that followed saw the emergence of war that led to destruction of the economies of the allies. Boundaries were a common goal of Germany in the effort to unit its kingdoms. However, the method used led to involvement of other territories such as France, something that led to war and loss of life of territories that were not concerned with the interest of Germany. Therefore, the punishment of Germany could be argued to be justified since she had already caused political differences between countries bordering it. Although the war had a positive impact in that Germany was later united, the means of acquiring the one state was not justified. Besides,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Application report 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Application report 2 - Essay Example The rise in federal interest rate causes general increase in the cost of capital. This leads to the increase in the cost of manufacturing and services. The present value of annuity such as pension will decrease because the value of dollar or purchasing power of dollar will fall. However, with the rise in interest cost the higher interest rate of 6% will reduce the present value of annuity to 40,000/1.06= $37,735. The person has lost $360 due to rise in the cost of living. Vice versa is also true. Further, the future value of the money invested will rise along with the rise in interest cost. The significance of above calculation is that total annuity though received is $5000 yet actual worth is $4329 only. The worth will further be reduced if interest rate is still high, say, 7 %. The quick calculation can be done with the same equation. Firms calculate weighted average cost of capital that depends upon the cost of equity and the cost of debt. The cost of debt will rise with the rise in interest cost as company will need to give higher interest on its borrowings. The increase in the cost of debt will also increase the cost of equity because the cost of equity rules a few percentage points higher (usually 5 to 10% depending upon the risk profile of the company) than the debt cost. The higher interest cost will result into higher production cost of the product or services. If the company is unable to pass the increased cost to the consumers then it will reflect into the reduced earnings of the company for a given year. The net profit of the company is calculated by deducting the interest paid on the debt in a given year; however lesser earnings in a given year may also result into lesser dividend for

Monday, September 23, 2019

Seek Godly Counsel Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seek Godly Counsel - Assignment Example Most people resort to the result of prayer after seeing that everything else has failed, which, in most cases do not work out. The bible says   â€Å"cursed is the man who relies on his own understanding.†, â€Å"blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.† Anyone who is in   need of any monetary advice shouldn't seek it from the ungodly people.Pray about something you want to do and talk to godly people about it before executing the plan. Prayers and godly people help one to avoid errors in financial matters. Before purchasing any good or even looking for financial assistance from either individual financial institution, ask a godly person and pray about it. Do not do things impulsively.When entering into a contract with anyone over finances, do not be in a haste to put your signature on any paper until you counter check it thoroughly. Easy come, easy go. Best things in the world take time so do not be hurried in doing something. God took lo ng to deliver Israelites from captivity but it was worthy it so borrow a leaf from there.The bible gives very vital financial advice: Gold and silver comes from God, so start asking God for financial guidance; the more you give, the more you receive, be generous to the less unfortunate; there is joy in sharing; states, â€Å"Where your money is, that's where your heart will be.† Learn to lean not on your own understanding and start incorporating God's counsel in your finances and you will realize that you are enjoying your finances and your financial life is perfect.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sherlock Homes Essay Example for Free

Sherlock Homes Essay Sweeney Todd is the story of a barber and his partner in crime, Mrs. Lovett. Sweeney is a fictional villain/hero. The story is considered to be fiction but there are rumors that it is based off of a historical event, though there has been no convincing evidence (Haining 1979, BBC 2005, and Duff 2006) . The story dates from around the mid 1800s and is an early example of a serial killer. The tale was found to originate in a penny serial entitled, The String of Pearls; a Romance from Edward Lloyds The Peoples Periodical and Family Library. The String of Pearls was eventually published as a complete book and gained the title The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic Romance (PBS 2006). The very first stage performance of This tale was done as a melodrama in 1847. George Dibben Pitt adapted the serial as a melodrama and the story tool the stage at Hoxtons Britannia Theatre. In 1963 a film version of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street was produced. Sweeney Todd has also made an appearance in an episode of The New Adventures of Sherlock Homes; The Strange Case of the Demon Barber. The motive behind Sweeney Todd’s acts is not revealed until a stage adaption in 1973 when a playwritgh Christopher Bind Gave Sweeney a back story (PBS 2006). He was a wronged baber returned to England after 15 years of exile. He discovers his wife is dead and his enemy, the judge, has adopted his daughter with plans to marry her. Sweeney eventually teams up with Mrs. Lovett, his neighbor from downstairs and they begin a successful business. He as a barbar, killing some of his customers, and she makes pies using his dead customers as filling. All of his actions are focused on killing the judge. It wasn’t until 1979 that Sweeney Todd was adapted into full musical theater regalia. Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler adapted Bond’s stage version in to a successful Broadway musical starring Len Cariou as Sweeney Todd and Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Lovett, his partner in crime (Sondheim 1979). Over the years more adaptations have been produced for stage and television. Sweeney Todd arrived in movie theaters for a second time in 2007. Tim Burton adapted Stephen Sondheim’s musical for the big screen with Johnny Depp starring as Sweeney Todd and Helena Bonham-Carter as Mrs. Lovett (Burton 2007). A current trend in the entertainment sector is to adapt musical theater into movies. Sweeney Todd follows in the footsteps of Chicago and Dreamgirls. All three award winning musical shows have been adapted into popular movies. Sweeney Todd has much more history than these other shows and it is unknown if this fictional barber is based on real life events or just a fantastic and thrilling story. While the movie does a credible job of adapting the plot of Sweeney Todd one of the large differences between the film and musical is secondary character development. The musical’s plot focuses around Sweeney Todd and his partner in crime Mrs. Lovett but you are also presented with the stories of Pirelli, the beadle, Joanna and Anthony, the judge and Sweeney Todd’s wife or as we find out at the end, the beggar woman. The movie incorporates these characters and bits of their stories. However their full story is not disclosed in the movie resulting in some stilted characters and underdeveloped plot lines, at least compared to the musical.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

specific and general crime prevention approaches and strategies

specific and general crime prevention approaches and strategies In this unit, we will explore specific and general crime prevention approaches and strategies, employed to reduce and control the occurrence of crime in the society. The role of the citizen and the community will be differentiated from the role of the state through the institutions of the criminal justice system. Unit Objectives To appreciate the need for citizen participation. To discuss the role of the Police. To describe the role of Policy Makers. To examine the methods used by the criminal justice system to influence reform and rehabilitation. To analyze at least four approaches to crime prevention employed by the criminal justice system. Readings and Online Resources Reid, Oral (1998) Community Policing: A Philosophical Approach to the Study of Community Building. Reid, Oral. Policing by Consent. The Copper 97 Vol. 1 No. 1 Session 4.1 Community Crime Prevention Approaches Learning Objectives: By the end if this session the student should be able to: Define the elements of the crime prevention triangle Discuss the elements of the crime prevention triangle Describe the crime prevention triangle Define the roles of the elements in the crime prevention triangle Discuss the participation of the elements in the crime prevention triangle Understand the need for citizen participation. Appreciate the role of individual and community groups in the prevention of crime. Explain the need for the Crime Prevention Practitioners in building a community team Introduction In this session we will examine specific crime prevention approaches intended to highlight the critical role of the citizen, the police and policymakers in their effort to address crime control or reduction both at the local level of the community and the state in general. The Crime Prevention Triangle Figure 4:1 The Community Crime Prevention Triangle Effective crime prevention requires a closer relationship between the police, policy makers, and the community at large. It is necessary for all sides to open lines of communication and work to define their respective roles in such a way that they understand their responsibilities to the overall cooperative effort. The task of bringing these key sectors of the community together is not easy neither can one be effective without the other. The challenge is often that each sector has specific viewpoints that appear to be inconsistent with the needs and expectations of others in the triangle. For instance, the police have traditionally been one of the most closed groups in Caribbean society. This position has been influenced by several factors among which are the following; Police Forces in the region boost a paramilitary in structure; Many of the social and professional problems they encounter cannot be discussed with persons outside their profession; and the nature of police work frequently confines them to persons working within their respective formations. The factors listed all support a growing trend towards police isolation from the people they are intended to serve. On the other hand, most citizens have very limited knowledge of police work. Such views are often further distorted by television programmes that suggest glamorous and unrealistic means of solving crimes and social disorder. Hence a typical citizens impression of the police is associated with issuing traffic tickets, or arresting felons. The citizen is not likely to be in a pleasant mood in either of these circumstances, and frequently learns to associate officers with enforcement and authority. The police spend most of their time dealing with the less desirable elements of Caribbean society inasmuch as they deal with suspects and vagrants on a regular basis, and sometimes tend to associate the uncooperative behaviour of these elements with the general public. It is not uncommon for the police to threat with suspicion volunteers who want to aid in the management of crime. Politicians or policymakers are given labels that hold them up to public scrutiny and ridicule. Views expressed during heated campaigns or unrealistic expectations by the public that an official has the power to wave a magic wand and cure the ills of society have served to strain the relationship between the elected officials and their constituents. All of the above realities show that each side of the triangle has an important part to play in the community crime prevention process but that there are challenges which, if not carefully managed could deepen the divide between each sector. The strength of a triangle depends on strong linkages. If one of these three groups does not participate, the chances for success will be seriously diminished. Defining the Roles in the Crime Prevention Triangle Citizen and Community Participation The need for citizen participation in community crime prevention is critical to the establishment of a crime-free society. Two essential ingredients are a well-trained police force and an informed and cooperative citizenry. It is often the case that too few citizens have made a commitment to actually participation. Participation in community crime prevention efforts is not merely desirable but necessary. Police and crime prevention specialists alone cannot control crime; they need all the help the community can give them. Despite the later there seems to be an irreversible trend, in recent years, towards less involvement by citizens and increased responsibilities being delegated to the police. Increased specialization in various police forces coupled with increased taxation has encouraged citizens to look to the police, as professionals, to assume the responsibility of community safety. Subsequently, calls for service to the average law enforcement agency have increased steadily as citizens looked for assistance, not only with criminal matters but also for a wide range of service endeavours, such as invitations to speak to the wayward boy or girl that failed to comply with house rules, retrieving trapped cats and dogs and transporting mental patients to the hospital for treatment. It would be r easonable to assume that as much as 80 percent of police calls relate to noncriminal conduct as opposed to actual investigation or the apprehension of criminals. Community ranges from isolated individuals to diverse community groups. The levels of expertise vary from novice to accomplished professionals. The motivation to participate is as diverse as the community itself. Yet the secret to changing public attitudes and ultimately behaviour lies within this vast and primarily untapped resource. The following are various levels of involvement in crime prevention efforts with which citizens feel comfortable and choose to identify. It is helpful to first look at the role an individual can play, and then expand the base for involvement to group roles or collective citizen action. The Role of the Individual Practitioners know that a vast majority of a communitys population does not belong to an identifiable group but still participates in a wide range of activities. These citizens have concerns regarding crime and should be reached and encouraged to participate in crime prevention programmes as individuals. A few of the ways an individual can participate include: 1. Contributing volunteer time to programme efforts 2. Being an advocate for crime prevention concepts 3. Reporting suspicious activities to the police 4. Taking initiatives to practice opportunity reduction strategies at home/work and while moving about the community, such as: a. installing secure, deadbolt locks b. providing good security lighting c. trimming shrubbery away from doors and windows d. always locking car doors and windows e. using common sense and awareness when traveling alone f. marking all valuables with a personal identification number g. not carrying or displaying large amount of cash h. avoiding walking alone after dark Activity: Crime Prevention Tips View the Youtube videos below, they offer some useful crime prevention tips for individuals Activity 4:1 Collective Citizen and Group Roles: The communitys role is strengthened when group initiatives are added to individual citizen initiatives. If Crime prevention is to be effective in improving quality of life, the role of the community-at-large must be expanded to include supportive efforts from a broad base of existing private sector groups-businesses, industries, churches, etc. within a jurisdiction. Organized groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, P.T.A., Scouts, Girls Guides, Kiwanis, Womens Clubs, and Church Groups lend their support to community crime prevention programming and bring with them an existing pool of volunteer time, talent, energy, and the additional clout and resources of established organizations. They also bring with them the organizational goals, policies, and procedures, resolutions on community issues, and reputation that may or may not precisely fit everyone elses agenda. The role these groups must play is sometimes difficult to define and mobilize, and always difficult to manage. Yet it is vitally important to reach and involve citizens within their own context. The task is to reach people where they are and with the tools they are accustomed to using. This does not simply mean that everyone has to join Neighbourhood Watch Programmes. It does mean that every citizen can participate in crime prevention doing whatever a citizen is a part of-Boys Clubs, a tenants organization, the insurance industry etc. The trick to citizen involvement is to provide them hope within their own familiar environments. The experiences gained in community crime prevention programmes across the Caribbean region have helped define the following points in the community-at- large role: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community at large must accept the responsibility for organizing a community crime prevention programme. They have the biggest stake-and ultimately they have more to lose than either the law enforcement or policymaker segments. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community must identify committed leadership for an organized crime prevention effort. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community must provide the necessary resources (time and funds) for the leadership to receive basic crime prevention training. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community must plan organized training for other volunteers in the program. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The citizens must identify the problems of the community through cooperative efforts with law enforcement agencies, using such tools as surveys, opinion polls, and actual crime data. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The members of the community must plan a coordinated approach to crime prevention efforts by designing and matching projects to the interests of various volunteer groups. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The leaders must establish an effective mechanism for outreach and input so various groups know what others are doing. This will help ensure coordination, and is frequently termed networking. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community group must solicit commitments from various groups supporting crime prevention efforts to ensure programme continuity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The group organizers must provide opportunities for all groups or individuals to participate in the community-wide programmes (while allowing groups to retain their separate identity). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The group organizers must establish an ongoing process of obtaining and assessing project information for evaluation purposes to aid further decision-making. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The organizers must identify and obtain resources to properly fund a sustained crime prevention effort. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The leaders of the crime prevention unit must facilitate the wise use of collective citizen power to influence public policies that promote crime prevention concepts. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community group must serve as a strong advocate for increased communication between the various segments forming the crime prevention triangle. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The groups must ensure the participation of the media as a partner in the total community crime prevention programme. Community volunteers have learnt much about their role in crime prevention during the last decade. Their role will become even more clearly defined through the next decade as volunteers acquire additional knowledge in organizing and maintaining community crime prevention programmes. Police Participation The attitudes of the citizens towards the police service are generally inconsistent. The police are appreciated when they are needed but often feared because they are perceived as the states representatives of power and authority. The reality is that only rarely is the real nature of the police service broadcast and very rarely is the man inside the uniform understood or known. Yet we understand his role to be critical. What is generally agreed is that when faced with trouble, people expect quick police response and victims want and expect the effective service of a professional. Based on the wide range of service demands there is little wonder that both citizens and police alike are sometimes unclear about the definition of the role of the police in the prevention rather than the detection of crime. The following points are essential: The police are not separate from the people. They draw their authority from the will and consent of the people. The police are the state appointed instruments through which citizens can achieve and maintain public order. Police officers are decision makers and often decide whether to arrest, to make a referral, to seek prosecution, or to use force. Police officers are just as accountable for their decisions as the magistrate or judge is for decisions deliberated for months. The police officer must understand complex cultural and social problems and relationships to be efficient and effective. A police officer is a part of and not apart from: a. The community served b. The criminal justice system that determines what course society will pursue to deter lawbreakers or rehabilitate offenders in the interest of public order c. The government that provides the formal base of authority. The police officer initiates the criminal justice process through arrest of suspects and can be held accountable where they fail to take action. The police are the criminal justice element in closest contact with the public (and therefore are frequently blamed for failures in other parts of the system). The police are helpless to control crime without the cooperation of a substantial portion of the people. The role of the police thus becomes: to anticipate that crime will occur when risks are high, to recognize when a high-crime risk exists to appraise the seriousness of the particular risk to initiate action to remove or reduce the risk. Educational, technical and supportive resource- an enabler rather than a primary doer. The police role in crime prevention strategies should: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Utilize the patrol function to create and maintain efforts to identify and arrest suspects à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Serve as a source for public information and training regarding crime prevention programs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Coordinate crime prevention activities in their respective jurisdictions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Share information with the public gathered through police data analysis capabilities concerning the kinds of crime and the methods being used by perpetrators against citizens à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Take initiative to develop organized crime prevention functions within each department Policymakers Participation Many earlier efforts to establish crime prevention programmes carefully skirted the issues of assessing the role of the public sector or seeking to involve the policymakers. This hesitancy was brought about in part because notions of crime prevention were seen as new and untested and hadnt been accepted as a viable response to long-standing social and economic problems. Very few programmes have been able to document specific successes in actually demonstrating a reduction of crime. Additionally, some communities had experiences with receiving political support for crime prevention programmes during the course of a political election, only to be quietly swept under the rug when elections were over and the difficult job of meeting budgets was underway in the face of declining resources. Slowly, isolated experiences surfaced that demonstrated a positive relationship between renew citizen participation in crime prevention/opportunity reduction programmes and a lower residential burglary or vandalism rate in neighbourhoods. Policymakers were willing to take a closer look. Such closer scrutiny led in Barbados to the establishment of the National Task Force on Crime Prevention in June 1996. This agency collaborates with the Royal Barbados Police Force on the analysis of national crime statistics and initiate programmes aimed at reducing crime in selected residential communities. In 1968 in the United States of America, Congress established a legislative priority and provided monetary resources to jurisdictions for mounting crime prevention efforts and funded them through the Justice Department Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA). Activity: A Caribbean Perspective The aforementioned has been the American experience. Can you think of ways this approach can be adapted to match the Caribbean reality appropriate for your country. Post your suggestions in the discussion forum and react to suggestions posed by your classmates. Activity 4:2 As a result of this increased interest by officials in the public sector and the interaction within communities, there is now a more clearly defined role of the policymakers in the community crime prevention process. Practitioners are confident that this role will continue to evolve and clarify over time, but for the present, I offer the following points on the role of the policymaker: 1. Provides leadership in setting public policy that establishes a jurisdiction-wide crime prevention programme. 2. Encourages coordination and cooperation between government agencies to maximize existing resources and avoid duplication of efforts. 3. Develops and adopts building security codes. 4. Actively promotes opportunity reduction practices for public owned properties, such as: a. marking all valuables with property identification numbers b. providing adequate, security lighting c. installing deadbolt locking devices 5. Promotes crime prevention education and training for employees within the public sector. 6. Provides financial support for crime prevention programmes. 7. Publicly supports crime prevention programmes to encourage other groups and individuals to participate. 8. Designates a permanent public agency to serve as an organizational base for crime Prevention programmes. 9. Demonstrates a long-term commitment to crime prevention by passing a formal resolution to sanction the crime prevention programme. 10. Requires accountability of programme efforts. The Crime Prevention Practitioner: Building a Community Team Even after the various elements within a community have a basic understanding of their role and responsibilities in a community crime prevention effort, there still remains vital work to be done in order to establish a promising crime prevention programme in a community. Much effort has been virtually wasted in the past as various groups go about well-meaning attempts to establish programmes for prevention without a coordinated approach. Likewise, a community crime prevention team doesnt just happen. The various elements that exist in your community must be linked together before any game plan can be written. This task requires specific attention. One or more individuals must be identified to play the coaching role and to mold representatives from various sides of the triangle into a working team. These specialists are called crime prevention practitioners. Who are they and what do they do? Practitioners across the country represent a wide cross-section of our population. Some are criminal justice professionals, some are elected officials. Many are business people, school teachers, or civic club volunteers. Crime prevention practitioners sometimes volunteer while others arc elected. In either case, they play a significant role in the community crime prevention process. A profile of successful practitioners would include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ willingness to contribute a significant amount of time to crime prevention efforts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ the enthusiasm to motivate others à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a basic knowledge of the criminal justice system à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of crime prevention and the ability to teach and advise others . . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ capability of assessing skills and resources within the community à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ the ability to relate to all interested groups and match these interests to the overall program effort à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ the expertise to facilitate links that achieve a coordinated approach to programming à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ good organizational skills à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ an understanding of the nature of the political process and the guidance that enables public support to be translated through decision-makers into public policy Above all, the successful practitioner will possess two primary attributes: COMMITMENT to the cause, and the PERSISTENCE to continue the commitment over time in the face of obstacles that are sure to arise. Activity: Mini Investigation Identify and categorize the crime prevention practitioners in your territory. Report your findings to the course coordinator or tutor. Activity 4:3 Summary: In this session we have examined specific crime prevention strategies focused around the crime prevention triangle. In this session we highlighted the critical roles of individuals as a sub-sect of organizations, at one end of the continuum and the community as whole. The role of the police, and policy makers were also highlighted as essential to the construction of good crime prevention policy and practice. In the next session we will look at the role of the criminal justice system in the control of crime and acts of unsocial behaviour.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Santa Claus By Howard Nemerov English Literature Essay

Santa Claus By Howard Nemerov English Literature Essay In the poem the Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, the poet who is Mr. Nemeroy has out rightly shows his recent for the Santa Claus, it is noted that Santa Clauses are frequently seen during the Chrismas seasons. This is when they are seen all over the towns giving gifts to children, and in this poem the poet is highly against the activities of the Santa Clauses as he sis really seen during the festive season a period which is seen as a very happy moment in the Christians calendar as the son of God Jesus Christ the savior of the world is born. They arent seen and available during the Easter seasons which is a sad day in the Christians calendar as the only son and savior of the world dies on the cross for the sins of the Christians. This is clearly experienced in the poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, this is when the poet uses figurative language in airing out recent of the Santa Claus figurative language or speech is a form of literary style that describes something through the use of unusual comparisons (Nemerov, 2011). This style is usually used by the poet to make things clearer for the readers, the poet also use figurative speech to make his work interesting, and at the same time increased effects in the piece of work. It should be noted that use of figurative language in any piece of work doesnt literary mean what is implied by the poet or artist. In the poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, Mr. Nemerov, has used several figurative language that has helped him drive his points shim an example in the poem is when he says He teaches the innocent to want, thus keeps Our fat world rolling. This is an action that clearly indicates that he doesnt like the Santa clause, which to my own thinking I believe that this line in the poem says that the Santa Claus comes into the world during the Christmas season with the aim of giving gifts to the children and people. The Santa Claus will ultimately make the people to share there presents during the Christmas festive season instead of spreading these gifts through out the year especially during Easter seasons at a time when the savior is crucified for the sins of the Christians. The poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, the poet has used a various numbers of figurative languages in his attempt to show his recent to the Santa Claus as in the line in the poem The merest soupcon, of brimstone and the pit. In this line the poet is emphasizing on the problems that are encountered when the Santa Claus is performing his duties. In the poem the poet indicates that the Santa Claus is giving out small gifts especially to children in the pretence of sharing their joy with them during this festive season but as a result of this the children will only be blinded by the kinds of presents they receive from the Santa Claus. Its from this statement that the poet ventured into the different ways that the Santa Claus use to bring the children into sharing and giving out of gifts (Nemerov, 2011). He has major criticized the quantity and quality of the gifts that are given out to the children. Figure of speech is also used in the poem is the At Easter, hes anonymous again, Just one of the crowd lunching on Calvary. This is where the poet in hyperbolized the Santa Claus, at this point the poet associates the Santa Claus to be a person who isnt very keen on following the ways of the savior, in that they disappear during the time when the son of God is crucified and they dont spread the peace in the society that they live in through out. Therefore these kind of people are only linked with the spreading and sharing of joy to the people at the time of birth of the messiah. On the day of his crucifixion a time in which the Christians are supposed to spread love and share gifts and from the word anonymous as in the poem it clearly indicates that thee Santa Claus doesnt appear any where close to the messiah in order to share the love at this sad moments. The poet has also used allegory figurative language in his work as in the following sentence His prescribed costume, White flannel beard, red belly of cotton waste. Conceals the thinness of essential hunger this figurative style states that everything that is inside represents another thing that is outside. This is when the poet artistically satirizes the costumes of the Santa Claus by stating that the clothes that are worn by the are very huge and massive thus used to show that the Santa Claus is a very big and old person but in real sense the person that is wearing the cloth is a young person and in the process the individual will use that as an opportunity to make the children believe in his principles. Yet they cant be able to be able to sustain the doctrines of there practice through out the year. Symbolism has been used in the poem when the poet criticized the Santa Claus by failing to share there good deeds in times when the children needed to share and spread love this is when he states (Nemerov, 2011). This annual savior of the economy Speaks in the parables of the dollar sign, this is a form in which the poet criticized the ways in which the Santa Claus asked the children to share with there friend only during the Christmas holidays while they dont practice it through out the year. Symbolism is used in the poem, were as symbolism means something that stand for something else, in the poem the poet has à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦when the Child is born To suffer for the world, suffer the world, the poet has used the child in that point to indicate that the Santa Claus is always seen on the Chrismas times a time when the child which represents Jesus Christ, therefore making it easy to understand the concept of the poet. Allusion is another figurative language that is used in the poem as it refers to a person theme place or event in history or current culture, in the poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, the theme and setting of the poem is during the Chrismas season, this is a time when the Santa Claus are mostly in the streets and they tend to offer the children with surprise gifts during the Chrismas season. In conclusion the poet of this poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov has showed a negative feeling towards the Santa Claus this can be expressed by the tone that the poet has used an example is when he uses the harsh tone of describing the name of the Santa class as a thing that gives out a stench as in the line (Nemerov, 2011). His name itself is corrupted, and even Saint Nicholas, in his turn, Gives off a faint and reminiscent stench this is an a harsh tone that makes the reader experience the recent the poet has for the Santa Claus.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

SADC: Recent Developments and Achievements :: History

SADC: Recent Developments and Achievements Introduction Regional groupings such as SADC aims to bring neighbouring countries into a league or association or union where they will be able to work together in terms of matters concerning politics, economics and development, the ultimate being regional integration. The concept of regional integration is nothing new. During biblical times the Canaanites comprising of different countries formed a union to deal with the invading band of Israelites from Egypt. The intention of regional integration is to form a centre that will promote the interests of all the member countries - as the old adage says ‘there is strength in numbers’. In Africa, regional integration is necessary considering that the majority of African countries are small, weak and poor. Integrating the countries of Africa will help them in dealing with the issues of globalisation that poses a serious threat poor nations. In international stages such as the United Nations, World Trade Organisation, International Monetary Fund and the World Bank the voices of smaller countries such as Lesotho, Swaziland, Seychelles, Benin, etc are not heard. With regional integration we are assuming that smaller countries such as Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana can come together and form one community like the SADC. Doing this they can form a collective powerful force that will enable them to deal with such burning issues like eradication of poverty, globalisation and social epidemics like HIV/AIDS. Looking at the cases of Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Angola can highlight the benefits of regional integration. Tanzanian economy has stagnated since the eighties and failed to develop. It is only now that it is active member of the SADC that its economy is beginning to grow. DRC and Angola that have been ravaged by political shenanigans where warlords and rebels were the order of the day are learning from the other member countries like South Africa, Botswana that are politically stable. Communities such as the SADC have organs of politics and economic developments – organs that deal with the promotion and creation of democratic cultures while on the other hand facilitating economic developments to member countries. SADC’s Decentralised Approach Before 2001 the countries forming the SADC have identified many common challenges. These challenges are divided into sectors and are illustrated in the following diagram. Environment and land managementInland fisheries, forestry and wildlife Tourism Culture, information and sport Marine fisheries and resources Finance and investment Human resources development Industry and trade Employment and labour Food, agriculture and natural resources Water conservation and distribution Transport and communication

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

J.D. Salingers Catcher In The Rye :: J.D. Salinger Catcher Rye Essays

J.D. Salinger's Catcher In The Rye The passage of adolescence has served as the central theme for many novels, but J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, long a staple in academic lesson plans, has captured the spirit of this stage of life in hyper-sensitive form, dramatizing Holden Caulfield's vulgar language and melodramatic reactions. Written as the autobiographical account of a fictional teenage prep school student Holden Caulfield, The Catcher in the Rye deals with material that is socially scandalous for the times (Gwynn, 1958). As an emotional, intelligent, inquisitive, and painfully sensitive young man, Holden puts his inner world to the test through the sexual mores of his peers and elders, the teachings of his education, and his own emerging sense of self. Throughout the years, the language of the story has startled some readers. Salinger's control of Holden's easy, conversational manner makes the introduction of these larger themes appear natural and believable. (Bloom, 1990). At the time of the novel through today, Holden's speech rings true to the colloquial speech of teenagers. Holden, according to many reviews in the Chicago Tribune, the New Yorker, and the New York Times, accurately captures the informal speech of an average intelligent, educated, northeastern American adolescent (Costello, 1990). Such speech includes both simple description and cursing. For example, Holden says, "They're nice and all", as well as "I'm not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything." In the first instance, he uses the term "nice" which oversimplifies his parents' character, implying he does not wish to disrespect them, yet at the same time he does not praise them. At best he deems them as "nice and all." Holden further cuts short his description, but in a more curt manner, when he states he will not tell his "whole goddam autobiography or anything." From the start the reader picks up Holden's hostility and unwillingness to share his views strictly by his use of language (Salzman, 1991). From the last two examples, another colloquialism can be seen. Holden has a habit of ending his descriptions with tag phrases such as "and all" or "or anything." (Salzman, 1991). Not only does Holden speak like this in the beginning of the novel, but throughout the book, making this pattern a part of his character. One could imagine Holden frequently ending his sentences with "and all," realizing it is a character trait since not all teenagers used that phrase. So the "and all" tag to Holden's speech served to make his speech

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bra Boys Analysis

The identity of the Bra Boys can be seen through their values and attitudes. They are presented through the Cody, the value of brother ship and Attitude of brother ship through their tattoos and being there for each other. In part 1 of Bra boys, the Boys had taken Jesse Pollock and other younger people on trips to surf. This had been carried on from what the other Bra Boys did for Cody and his friends. This shows their values of their society and community, as they are willing to give the younger generations to toughen up and be free with the surf. This shows htat apart from their devilish side, they also have the value of family and friendship with the younger generation. The Bra Boy’s value towards the beach is shown to be their lifesaver. The beach and surf is everything to them. Sunny Abberton, a Bra boy said â€Å"The surf, had saved so many kids around here, that have led them to a lifestyle of the ocean instead of a lifestyle in crime. † Showing that the beach has saved them on accounts and they have an optimistic value of the beach. Values of the Bra boys is brother ship, as they had each other’s back. When 2 people had a fight with authorities in a party during Christmas, everyone got into the brawl. This shows how the value of being together in the Bra boys is strong. One major values the boys have is having fun with others. In the serious of montages, the Bra Boys are shown to be jumping on each other, setting alight each other and each them jump off the cliffs and even jumping on a bus. This shows that they highly value fun in their lives as they want all the fun. This scene plays with the light hearted tune, this influences the value of fun in the Bra Boys life and their value of belonging as they do what they want and what they believe is right. That is the idenity presented as a Bra Boy. To have fun their own way. Survival and a sense of belonging. The Bra boys values of survival is shown as they survived from various gangs, depression, fights and drugs. They had shown that they want to survive for the beach, as it is their legacy. For the Bra Boys, they showed a sense of belonging by helping each other through tough times and helping the younger generations. The Bra Boy’s identity of attitudes is shown that they have each other backs and that they do not wish to do harm. Their attitudes towards the police is hatred as they were in a fight with the authorities. However, the authorities lost but the media had portrayed them to be the victims. The police thinks the Bra boys as criminals and always suspects them, thus they have a negative attitude towards the police. The attitude towards people similar to the bra boys in the past, cold, hurt ad alone. The Bra Boy’s have the attitude of being there for those to toughen them up and be the Bra boys just as the older Bra Boys did the same thing to them. The attitude towards Ma shows their love and symbolizes what Ma is to them. Their love and kindness in comparison the language used in the other parts of the film shows how they value and their attitude towards their caretaker and the start of the Bra Boys. Their tone and voise is different in comparison to the other tones that is used. Not only that, there is something that is only presented in this scene that the Bra Boys does. This type of body language shows their affectiong and their attitudes towards Ma as she is the most important person to the Bra Boys. They Hugged her.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Marriage Quite Like an Arch Essay

John Ciardi’s poem â€Å"Most Like an Arch This Marriage†. Ciardi uses symbolism, similes, metaphors, and imagery when comparing marriage to an arch. Marriage is about strength, when two connections come together and meet each other in the middle to form a strong bond as they uphold one another. The poem describes marriage as an archway that can withstand the forces of nature and gain its strength from two pillars that come together at one point. In the first quatrain, the speaker turns to the description of how a marriage is like an arch, using formal diction to illustrate an image in the reader’s mind with similes, â€Å"Most like an arch–an entrance which upholds† (Line 1). Both sides of an arch hold an entrance up; an arch is typically a â€Å"curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support† (â€Å"Arch† Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 1 June 2014). â€Å"Mass made idea, and idea held in place; A lock in time; Inside half-heaven unfolds† (3-4). Passion a man has for his woman is sealed by the bond of marriage, a sacred bond â€Å"locked in time†, â€Å"inside half-heaven†, a marriage searches for unity and perfection. In the second quatrain, the speaker compares two weaknesses, two fallings, two joined abeyances that mold into one strength. â€Å"Most like an arch–two weaknesses that lean into a strength; two falling become firm / Two joined abeyances become a term naming the fact that teaches fact to mean† (5-8). Two individuals leading a single life have many obstacles to face, but when the two individuals conjoin they become stronger as one, and as one they can tackle whatever obstacle that is thrown their way as long as they’re united. In the third quatrain, the speaker portrays a longing, a need between two strengths. â€Å"Not quite that? Not much less. World as it is, what’s strong and separate falter† (9-10). A strayed individual maybe strong, but walking alone makes that individual weak. â€Å"All I do, at piling stone on stone apart  from you is roofless around nothing. Till we kiss† (11-12). â€Å"Piling stone on stone†, building a wall between them, when you are apart from your significant other it feels like an eternity, like you are missing your other half, â€Å"apart from you is roofless around nothing† (11-12). â€Å"Till we kiss† (12), the separation feels like an eternity until we kiss, and then it feels like we are whole again. In the final quatrain, the speaker explains that even though couples are flawed, they are together through thick and thin. â€Å"It is by falling in and in we make the all-bearing point, for one another’s sake, in faultless failing, raised by our own weight† (14-16). Each person is going to have their faults and at times both people may fail in something together, but it is with the love and strength of their marriage that they are able to rise up from whatever obstacle and be stronger for having gone through it together.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hitchens’s Concepts of Religion and Politics Essay

One of the most controversial man, Christopher Hitchens, in his letters, â€Å"Letters to a Young Contrarian† (2001), implies that people of the contemporary society should avoid thinking other than for themselves by taking on the pathway of being a contrarian. His purpose is to help â€Å"individuals on how they think, and not what they think by making them a more independent and questioning person† (63). The letters take us through a pathway of what is means to be a contrarian. He uses great personal and current examples to explain why individuals should have a voice for their own. Two of the most important topics in which he heavily discusses about are religion and racism. Throughout Hitchens letters, he uses pathos and logos appeals to create arguments in which defy religion and racism in an effective manner. One of the most debatable topics in Hitchens’s letters is about religion.Hitchens argues his point on why he is against religion using an ethos approach. He gains credibility with the audience by mentioning, â€Å"I can speak with more experience of the Christian propaganda, since I was baptized ass an Anglican, educated at a Methodist boarding school with compulsory religious instruction and was once received into the Greek Orthodox Church for reasons that are irrelevant here.† (59) While I do agree that he has gained some credibility being that he once experienced a life of what it’s like to be a believer of God, I don’t think it makes his argument any stronger. In this way, Hitchens argue his beliefs and appealing to the audience’s emotions. â€Å"In some ways I feel sorry for racists and for religious fanatics, because they miss the point of being human, and deserve a sort of pity. But then I harden my heart, and decide to hate them all the more, because of the misery they inflict and because of the contemptible excuse they advance for doing so. It especially annoys me when racists are accused of discrimination. The ability to discriminate is a precious faculty; by judging all members of one ‘race’ to be the same, the racist precisely shows himself incapable of discrimination.† (110)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Michelangelo s David A Masterpiece of Renaissance

Michelangelo David The first piece of artwork that I have chosen to work with is the David by Michelangelo. Yes, this is one of the, if not the most famous sculpture in the world but that is not my reasoning for choosing it. Before seeing the actual David inside of the Galleria dalliance's, I visited the copy of it outside of the Palazzo Vehicle. After getting my first taste of the fake version, I thought it was a cool sculpture but didn't see what all of the hype about Michelangelo could possibly be about.However, as soon as I went into the Academia for the first, I could not believe how peculator the original David looked in person. In its current home at the Academia, it stands there perfectly under the biggest dome in the building at the end of the hall from unfinished Michelangelo sculptures. As you walk towards the statue I felt as if it were under a spotlight, grabbing everyone's attention that walks by it. The first time I stared at it, I could not help but to notice the impe ccable detail in the human body. This sculpture defines where all of a very fit male's muscles lay very accurately on the human body.The stomach muscles looked so perfect that the sculpture could pass for breathing. One of my personal favorite aspects of the sculpture is the immense detail in his hands. Not only do the hands look absolutely flawless, but also the veins protruding from the skin and the grasping shape of the hand on the sling are so incredibly realistic. While I was hesitant to choose this as one of the artworks to write a paper on simply because of its incredible fame around the world, I could not resist choosing it because of the way to had truly ‘wowed' me the moment I laid my eyes on it.Michelangelo crafted this sculpture between the years of 1501 and 1504, with it finally being unveiled on the 8th of September 1504. This sculpture depicts the biblical battle between King David and Goliath. The naked human form of David was used in a purposeful manner in an effort to show his pureness and lack of defense, as well as giving a timeless interpretation of the biblical story, and not allowing the differences in style of clothes to make this sculpture feel outdated like Tangelo's David of the sass's. When the famous statue was finally completed, it was brought toPalazzo Della Signora, the headquarters of the Florentine government at the time although it had initially been planned to be one of the sculptures lining the roofline of the Doom. This statue represents human strength and the strength of the Republic of Florence while there were many other strong cities and empires surrounding them. In 1873 the Statue was removed from the Palazzo Della Signora to protect the world's most famous statue from damage and placed in the Academia where it remains today. The Operas obtained the original massive block of marble and a contract was armed for Agitation to sculpt a David from it.Agitation sculpted it only for a short while, beginning to form the feet, legs, and torso. Agitation stopped working on the sculpture in 1466, only to have the marble contracted out to another artist. In 1476 Reselling was contracted to the slab of marble, although that contract fell through and the marble sat outdoors untouched for another 25 years. Thankfully, the Opera's determination to have the Davit's sculpture paid off when the contracted the then 26 year old Michelangelo to take on this daunting task.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Enlightenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Enlightenment - Essay Example ople realized the need of societal reforms hence challenging the authority exercised by traditional institutions such as the Catholic Church whose influence was deeply and widely rooted in society. Philosophers who influenced people’s thinking and reasoning through their work during The Enlightenment included: , John Locke, Francis Bacon, Renà © Descartes and Isaac Newton among others (Perry, 2013). The era of enlightenment coincided with the scientific revolution led by Isaac Newton (NatilusMaker, n.d.). Literacy increased as a result of people deviating from religious texts and instead embracing new ideas especially from publications by philosophers. According to Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher who strongly opposed idealism, The Enlightenment was a manifestation of the schism that was greatly influenced by Martin Luther (Carey, 2015). The Enlightenment also takes into account the inclination of people towards democracy that was vigorously fought for in the 16th Century. It was influenced by the desire of Protestants to break away from the Catholic Church (Perry, 2013). Initially, democracy was only enjoyed by the elite class until the 19th Century when the emergence of political movements necessitated democratic citizenship. These moves contributed to what is seen today as freedom of speech. Formation of political parties to fight for human rights began as early as the 1500s. By the 1600s, political representation had taken course leading to the development of binding political instruments such as Habeas Corpus Act (1679). Colonization is yet another factor that contributes to The Enlightenment. America for instance was colonized by Europeans who had also settled in other parts of the world. By the 16th Century, competition to venture into new territories by colonies had become immense. It is only after American Revolutionary in 1783 that America gained independence and developed their first constitution in 1788 (Perry, 2013). Many other colonized

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Religious Life of the Planet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religious Life of the Planet - Essay Example Humans appear to be psychologically pre-disposed to accumulate a certain system of beliefs and practices that can be called religion. From psychological point of view religion is a means of assuaging anxiety. From cognitive perspective religion provides explanation of phenomena encountered in daily life and abstract concepts. From sociological point of view religion is a means of creating order and establishing group identity (Tremlin, 2010). Religion appears to manifest itself in the way it functions, and that is in its ability to serve psychological, intellectual, and social human needs (Tremlin, 2010). Being a system of rituals, beliefs, and considerations religious practices are institutionalized and help to connect humans with the world beyond. They provide people with the sense of fulfillment, leading adherents to another level of consciousness. (Super, Turley, 2006). Religion can be regarded as fundamental element of society, as it shares concepts with collective consciousness. It is a type of human activity that manifests itself as a specific behavior accepted by the members of the group sharing a certain system of beliefs. The nature of beliefs cannot be validated by direct observation (Super, Turley, 2006). However, elements of religious behavior can be singled out: gathering in groups, communal eating, theoretical discourse about the existence (Dow, 2007). Strictly speaking, religion can be defined as a collec tion of behavior patterns and observable behavior complexes. The latter include: prayer, music, physiological exercise, exhortation, reciting the code, simulation, mana, taboo, feasts, sacrifice, congregation, inspiration (Dow, 2007). Criteria to be employed in the attempts to determine whether human beings are religious may include the following: 1) theory or system of beliefs concerning unobservable agents or powers, which is shared by the members of the group; 2) meetings, processions and feasts; 3)

Compare the socities and governments featured in George Orwell's 1984 Essay

Compare the socities and governments featured in George Orwell's 1984 and Ray Bradbury's Farhenheit 451 - Essay Example Through such features, the authors position their works among their target audience as appropriate pieces of literature. George Orwell employs such features thereby developing a unique piece that coincidentally portrays specific social and government features that are characteristic of dystopian works thereby achieving a similarity with Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 415. The discussion below is therefore an analysis of the features thereby portraying the similarities and differences in the two societies created by the two authors (Ray 12). George Orwell positions his story in an airstrip in a society formerly known as the Great Britain. The author portrays a post apocalypse United Kingdom in as the government goes archaic thereby imposing restrictive policies and increased surveillance of the population. The new authoritarian government banns independent thought thereby controlling the thoughts of the people (Orwell 21). The government has invented both a new category of crime kno wn as thought crime thereby punishing independent thinking people. Additionally, the society has invented yet a new language. The same is the case in Fahrenheit 451 where the new government enjoys massive control of the people by limiting the liberties thus gaining more control. The two societies and governments have various similar features that arise from the nature of the novels. As with any other dystopian novel, the authors set their stories in a futuristic society. The novels seek to address specific social features that require particular positioning. Unlike many other novels, dystopian stories address specific themes not already witnessed in the contemporary society. To validate such claims, the authors therefore position their stories in a futuristic society in which most of their target readers are yet to experience. The ignorance about the feature therefore validates their portrayal of the various themes in such works. Fahrenheit 451 is in a future American society while Nineteen Eighty-Four is set in a future Great Britain. With such placements, the authors are therefore free to manipulate the facts in their stories by presenting plots that would otherwise prove unrealistic in the contemporary democracies such as the United States and the United Kingdom. The two societies have similar structures, with the numerous government legislations; the people therefore develop new social structures in order to accommodate the new political regimes. In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the new authoritarian government under the leadership of the Big Brother imposes various regulations most of which limit the liberties previously enjoyed in the countries. The new government bans any political outfits thereby developing an authoritarian political system. The government for example revokes all the liberties key among which is the freedom of thought. The government develops an effective mind control system that acts as a surveillance tool. The government therefore enjoys a d edicated surveillance of the population thereby monitoring every action in the state. The perpetual war in the society destabilizes peaceful coexistence as the people in the new society live in fear of abduction and public murder by the new regime at any time in case of a violation of the set regulations. The new government is remorseless and treats the people harshly with the view of eliminating any form of resistance. As is characteristic with all dictatorial

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

International Trade and Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Trade and Competition - Essay Example Certain policies that should be employed by different trading nations all over the world in order to combat the effects of GFC have also been studied. 2. Trade Theories 2.1 Mercantilism This theory of international trade existed in the mid of 16th century. It postulated that the wealth of a nation depends on its accumulated treasure mainly in the form of gold. Trade surplus was believed to be the key trade practice. However, it had disadvantages of having restrictions in the form of government intervention and impaired growth (Reynolds, 2000). 2.2 Theory of Absolute Advantage This theory is believed to be developed by Adam Smith. It was against the mercantilism trade theory and brought in the concept of free trade. Different countries can take advantage of their efficiency in producing different products and trade for the other products. Hence all the countries would have simultaneous advantages while practicing free trade (, 2007, p.1). 2.3 Theory of Comparative Advantag e This is an extension of the free trade mechanism theory. This theory takes into consideration two important concepts, namely opportunity cost and the frontier of production possibility. It believes in efficient utilization of existing resources leading to the increase in productivity. A country may be efficient in producing certain products but still it should import from other country if it is comparatively advantageous for the country (, n.d.). 2.4 Factor Proportions Trade Theory It is also known as Heckscher – Olin Theory. This theory states that those goods should be exported which are locally available in plenty and that makes intensive use of factor endowments. Factor endowments are the main determinants of trade and not its productivity. Here the focus is more on relative advantage rather than absolute advantage. It takes into consideration two important factors of related to production. They are labor and capital (, n.d.). 2.5 New Trade Theory The i ndustries whose fixed costs are relatively high output are enhanced through specialization. The effects of learning are also quite high. Only few competitors will be supported through the world demand. International trade results in increased income and output for a country. This results in enhanced savings as well. Rise in competition amongst different countries results in gains in trade which are dynamic in nature. 3. Global Financial Crisis (GFC) Global Financial Crisis (GFC) that took place in 2008 proved to be a historical event in world economy. It had a substantial effect on most of the nations in the world. It has led to the debacle of big financial institutions like Lehman Brothers all around the world. It resulted in the decline of share markets all over the world. It all started in United States with the fall of its market involving sub-prime mortgages. Introduction of complex financial instruments has also been one of the prime reasons behind the crisis. Securitization o f mortgage loans in US was done with the objective of mitigating risk but ultimately it led to the increase of risk through increased use of derivatives instruments in the market as speculative instruments and finally resulted in financial crisis. GFC have

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Life of David Gale Death Penalty Movie Review

The Life of David Gale Death Penalty - Movie Review Example Proven perpetrators of heinous crimes should be tried in court exhaustively, and when truly found guilty – complete with all the circumstantial evidence to boot – should be convicted relative to the degree of the crime they committed. If a person is found guilty of murder, rape, kidnapping, torture and other similar crimes which could be categorized as â€Å"inhuman†, then immediately, he/she should be sent to the death penalty straight away. Otherwise, if there is some doubt to his/her personal involvement and/or active participation, then it should be lowered to a life imprisonment or a similar long-term prison sentence. David Gale’s arguments are as follows: 1) capital punishment is not a deterrent to the commission of crimes; 2) there is a sprouting of â€Å"phony ‘expert’ testimony† for the convicted felons; 3) it is possible to condemn/convict innocent men; 4) and a flawed justice system, among others, which are agreeable to a certain point. Yes, there is no proof that shows that death as punishment stops crime or the offenders. However, there is still that possibility that actually carrying out capital punishment can somehow instill fear among potential criminals and their devious plans. Fake testimonies are also achievable, and can lead to innocent people being incarcerated, but at the end of the day, this is still a subjective argument. Likewise, there are jurors and judges who could be bought or manipulated, hence, the final verdict can actually be flawed. Still, it all boils down to the right people being placed as part of the jury and how objective they can reall y be. The choice is still done by the judges themselves with a strict screening procedure so if the verdict is faulty, then perhaps, the people who did the selection are themselves unsound with their assessment. As a pro-Death Penalty activist, I would defend my standpoint by stating that even if human life is precious, as being asserted by the con-Death supporters or Abolitionists, it is something which was not respected by the crime offenders, hence, they no longer deserve to be given significance or distinctive worth. The flaws in the justice system cannot be avoided because no system can ever be perfect. The action taken by David Gale in orchestrating the death of Constance was a truly extreme act of proving his point to the Governor of Texas when he had this live interview pertaining to the numerous executions in the locality. Gale was somehow challenged by what the governor stated during this event â€Å"name one innocent man that Texas has put to death in my tenure†. I t is something that not every man can do or attempt to do – which is also related to the class lecture Gale delivered – stating that life should be measured â€Å"not by what you’ve attained in terms of your desires, but those small moments of integrity, compassion, rationality, even self-sacrifice.† Self-sacrifice was the goal taken by both Constance and Gale in order to underscore the advocacy they were fighting for. Gale’s perspective is truly an idealistic way of looking at life, and this, he pushes to the ultimate when he fakes the death of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Legal Powers and Duties of Local Authorities in Relation to the Essay

Legal Powers and Duties of Local Authorities in Relation to the Protection of Children - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of safeguarding as the process of ‘protecting children’ from such harms as neglect and keeping them safe from impairment of health in order to ensure that they successfully enter adulthood. Admittedly, The United Kingdom’s childcare system is diverse and is offered by private, voluntary, and other independent providers. The country’s childcare offerings include both full day-care and care on a session basis. Private, voluntary, and other providers work in association with children centers and schools in order to deliver flexible and quality services. The UK government has been trying to improve child protection through various rules and regulations which give specific attention to the nation’s increasing child abuse issues. In fact, Section 47 of the Children Act 1989 is the very basis of the responsibilities of the local councils. It points out that the councils are responsible to initiate inquiries if th ey find that a child in their area is probably suffering, or is likely to suffer harm. If it is found in enquires that there is potential harm, the local authority should conduct a discussion with other concerned agencies to initiate a core assessment which leads to procedures to protect the child. Sections 8, 9, and 10 of the Childcare Act 2006 provide local authorities with a set of powers in order to efficiently fulfill their duties, which have been defined under sections 6 and 7 of the Act.... They may provide short term as well as long term financial assistance to providers. In addition, local authorities are given the power to extend their services to families in need; for instance, families with disable children. The authorities can determine the type of assistance to be offered to those families. Section 8(3) specifies certain criteria for providing childcare for a particular child or group of children. As per this section, a local authority must not offer childcare unless it is convinced that there is no one to provide childcare or another person is not willing to do so4. At the same time, section 8(4) of the Act exempts childcare provision under the control of a maintained school from the limits of the section 8(3). The section 8(5) states that subsection 3 is not applicable to childcare provision guidelines defined under section 18(1) or (5) of the Children Act 19895. According to section 9 of the 2006 Act, when local authorities make arrangements with a childcare p rovider by offering financial assistance, they have the power to impose certain requirements on that provider in order to ensure quality of the childcare provided6. In addition, the local authority may require repayment of the whole fund if the provider fails to meet the requirements. Section 10 of the Act provides local authorities with the power to charge for any childcare services they provide; given some exceptions. According to the provisions of the 2006 Act, local authorities do not have any restriction in offering different types of assistance to providers. When there are no possibilities for local authorities to deliver childcare services in partnership with private, volunteer, and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Long Term Care Facilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Long Term Care Facilities - Essay Example Food service standards include setting the centralized and decentralized systems, food service stations, and accuracy of each dining procedure. Food service standards must be set for the food safety and sanitation, implementation of patient dining rights and preferences, and dining experience categories (Singh, 2010). Next, management must ensure the dining experience employees understand their benchmarks (Puckett, 2012). The dining employees are allowed to ask clarification questions. The questions will eliminate any gray or vague standards or polices. For example, nurses clarify what to do if the patient has a seizure during the dining experience. Third, management must report the actual performance of each dining employee. Management must collect data on the employees’ performance outcomes. Data includes the patients’ dining experience feedbacks. Data also includes the supervisors’ feedbacks of the subordinate dining employees’ performances. The employees’ meeting benchmark requirements ensure the patients receive quality dining experiences (Daft, 2008). Lastly, management must present the consequences of the concerned dining employees’ actual performances. The effects may include either the stick or carrot method. Under the carrot method, dining employees who meet standards are given rewards, citations and promotions. Under the stick method, the company penalizes dining employees who do not meet standards. Penalties include warnings, fines, suspensions, or terminations (Daft, 2008). Why the value of the dining experience is so important Dining experiences have important values (Singh, 2010). Dining has socializing value. During the dining experience, patients spend time in the company of other patients. Dining offers relaxation value. Special dining comfortable tables allow the use of wheelchairs. Soft music, table skirting, table cloths and folded table napkins brighten the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Cross-cultural education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cross-cultural education - Essay Example Moreover, Eiser, Arnold and Ellis suggest that the nurse education should incorporate enhancing cross-cultural awareness, communication, and race. They argue that the knowledge shall boost the competency of physicians to deliver quality services that incorporate social and historical comprehension of a disorder (Eiser, Arnold and Glenn 185). Even though the past and present information is vital for determining and diagnosing, I think it is discriminatory to link specific conditions with African Americans past. The African Americans had ways of treating the diseases, but they are outdated. Hence, studies should address the changing circumstances and disease. However, it is prudent to acknowledge the African American views regarding the handling of the patients and their past health records. I concur with the authors in the section that they describe that cross-cultural education should investigate the conflicting paradigms for illness, issue of mistrust and aspects of conflicting cult ural norms. In this perspective, it is imperative to recognize African Americans social institutions, religious beliefs and practices and perceptions of life. A tolerable knowledge of the social concerns shall generate an environment that fosters unity and peace. Besides, it will minimize the gap between the perceived minority groups in the crucial sector. Conceivably, the authors of the article illustrated the differing viewpoints that hinder African Americans from accessing the health services.